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Month: April 2021

Eric Garner’s mother says Caron Nazario, who was pepper-sprayed in a Virginia traffic stop, is part of her family

Eric Garner‘s mother saw her son’s last minutes after police put him in a chokehold six years ago. This week, she revealed that another family member — US Army 2nd Lt. Caron Nazario — was also involved in a controversial police encounter. Nazario was stopped by two police officers in Windsor, Virginia, in December. During

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Sanders says he disagrees with Tlaib’s call for ‘no more policing’

Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders said Wednesday evening that he disagreed with Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a fellow progressive, after she called for “no more policing, incarceration, and militarization” in the wake of Daunte Wright’s fatal encounter with police in Minnesota. “No I don’t,” Sanders told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room” when asked if

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Cierran oficinas del ayundatamiento de la ciudad de Palm Desert por una reciente exposición al COVID,

El ayuntamiento de Palm Desert fue cerrado temporalmente a principios de esta semana debido a una exposición reportada al COVID-19, anunciaron funcionarios de la ciudad el miércoles. Funcionarios de la ciudad dijeron que el cierre está de acuerdo con los requisitos del lugar de trabajo de Cal-OSHA. Aunque no se mencionó qué zonas se vieron

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White House names Erika Moritsugu as Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison

President Joe Biden on Wednesday named Erika Moritsugu to a senior-level Asian American and Pacific Islander liaison position, the White House announced in a statement. Moritsugu, whose official title will be deputy assistant to the President and Asian American and Pacific Islander senior liaison, “will bring her experience and expertise to the Biden-Harris Administration where

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