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Month: April 2021

Biden administration confirms Russian agent shared 2016 Trump polling data as part of election interference efforts

The Biden administration on Thursday revealed new details about Russia’s extensive interference in the 2016 and 2020 US elections, including disclosing for the first time that a Russian agent who received internal polling data from the Trump campaign in 2016 passed it along to Russia’s intelligence services. The new revelations about Moscow’s election meddling came

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Biden imposes new sanctions on Russia in response to election interference and cyber hacks

The Biden administration targeted Russia with sweeping sanctions and diplomatic expulsions Thursday, punishing Moscow for its interference in the 2020 US election, its SolarWinds cyberattack and its ongoing occupation and “severe human rights abuses” in Crimea. The announcement is one of a series of dramatic foreign policy steps that President Joe Biden has taken this

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Six key takeaways from Biden’s Russia sanctions announcement

The Biden administration slapped sweeping sanctions on Russia Thursday over Moscow’s alleged interference in the 2020 election, the massive SolarWinds hack and the ongoing occupation of Crimea, signaling it is adopting a tougher posture toward the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The sanctions announcement also showed that the Biden administration is more willing to

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Covid-19 surge in Michigan has put hospitals at critical capacity levels, health care provider says

Soaring Covid-19 cases in Michigan — where one of the nation’s worst outbreaks is underway — are pushing hospitals to critical capacity levels, and residents need to help stop the virus’s spread, the state’s largest health care system said Thursday. Metro Detroit hospitals are at or nearing capacity, with most units 75%-100% full, Beaumont Health

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