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Month: April 2021

With 100 days until the Tokyo Olympics, Japan has vaccinated less than 1% of its population. That’s a problem

When 2020 Tokyo Olympics volunteers have in recent weeks asked officials how they’ll be protected from Covid-19, given the foreign athletes pouring into Japan for the event and the country’s low vaccination rate, the answer has been simple. They’ll be given a small bottle of hand sanitizer and two masks each. “They don’t talk about

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‘No one can dare ask why’

Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) — Women are banned from leaving their homes without a male companion and nobody dares ask about schooling for girls living here. Taxation, that’s sometimes fair and often on the rich but compulsory, can be prey to rival taxmen and lead to beatings and imprisonment for non-payment. Justice is dispensed in mobile

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La vacuna de Pfizer tiene una eficacia reducida ante variantes del coronavirus, según estudio israelí

(CNN Español) — La vacuna contra el coronavirus y las variantes de esa enfermedad es un tema de actual estudio científico. Investigadores de Israel analizaron si el antígeno de Pfizer/BioNTech protege contra las variantes identificadas en el Reino Unido y Sudáfrica. En este episodio, el doctor Elmer Huerta nos explica los resultados de la investigación. Puedes

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US intelligence community warns of devastating long-term impact of coronavirus pandemic

The fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic is poised to fracture societies worldwide, increase instability across the globe and reshape political and economic realities for years to come, the US intelligence community warned in a stark report laying out the top security concerns facing the country. “The economic fallout from the pandemic is likely to create

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