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Month: October 2021

SCOTUS changed oral arguments in part because female justices were interrupted, Sotomayor says

By Ariane de Vogue, CNN Supreme Court Reporter Justice Sonia Sotomayor told an audience Wednesday that recent changes in the format of oral arguments were instituted in part after studies emerged showing that female justices on the court were interrupted more by male justices and advocates. Sotomayor said the studies, including one by researchers Tonja

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La Casa Blanca anunciará que algunas empresas del sector privado pasarán a operar 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana, para ayudar a aliviar los cuellos de botella de la cadena de suministro

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — La Casa Blanca trabajará con las partes interesadas del sector privado en un “sprint de 90 días” para ayudar a aliviar los cuellos de botella de la cadena de suministro, un problema que ha provocado un aumento de los precios para los consumidores y ha ralentizado la recuperación económica mundial

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PSUSD one step closer to the return of school resource officers on campus, what’s next?

The Palm Springs Unified School District Board of Education approved new contracts to bring school resource officers (SROs) back to campuses. The decision was made during a board meeting on Tuesday night.  The program has been temporarily suspended as the district evaluated how to improve interactions between officers and students.  “The way we were doing

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