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Month: May 2022

Spain vows legal reforms in wake of spying allegations

MADRID (AP) — The Spanish government will tighten judicial control over the country’s intelligence agency. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez made the announcement Thursday, weeks after the agency admitted it had spied on several pro-independence supporters in Catalonia with judicial authorization. The country’s National Intelligence Center has been under fire since April, after the digital rights

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How AP and Equilar calculated CEO pay

The Associated Press For its annual analysis of CEO pay, The Associated Press used data provided by Equilar, an executive data firm. Equilar examined regulatory filings detailing the pay packages of 343 executives. Equilar looked at companies in the S&P 500 index that filed proxy statements with federal regulators between Jan. 1 and April 30,

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ANÁLISIS | Por qué los republicanos sienten poca presión política para un control de armas más estricto

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — El fatal tiroteo de 19 niños y dos adultos este martes en Uvalde, Texas, ha conmocionado al país, evocando recuerdos de otros trágicos tiroteos en escuelas como Columbine, Newtown y Parkland, y renovando los llamamientos para que el Congreso haga algo. Pero la respuesta a esos llamamientos de muchos legisladores

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