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Social media platforms race to address AI-generated images ahead of November election

Analysis by Oliver Darcy, CNN New York (CNN) — Editor’s Note: A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter. Sign up for the daily digest chronicling the evolving media landscape here. Big Tech is racing to address the stream of A.I.-generated images inundating social media platforms before the machine-crafted renderings further contaminate

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Opinion: The Trump team swung for the fences. Thanks to Stormy Daniels, they struck out

Opinion by Norman Eisen (CNN) — On day 14 of the Manhattan criminal trial of former President Donald Trump, the defense took a gamble in launching a scorched-earth cross-examination of Stormy Daniels — a considerable intensification Thursday that went well-beyond the initial questioning of Daniels that Trump’s lawyer Susan Necheles capably began on Tuesday. The

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Victory Day celebrations mask simmering tensions inside Putin’s Russia

Analysis by Nathan Hodge, CNN (CNN) — Russian President Vladimir Putin presided over a pared-back Victory Day parade Thursday, showcasing his country’s unity and resolve to continue the war on Ukraine. But the martial celebrations also obscured simmering tensions inside the Kremlin and within Russian society. At first glance, this year’s parade in Red Square was the

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Opinion: The federal student loan program is unraveling

Opinion by Beth Akers, Preston Cooper and Joe Pitts (CNN) — The Biden administration recently announced its most ambitious attempt yet at student debt forgiveness. Taken together with the series of initiatives the administration has already pushed forward, the new plans promise to reduce or eliminate student debt for more than 30 million borrowers. Unfortunately, the debt-cancellation campaign fails to address the underlying problems

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Opinion: The one reason America’s population isn’t about to start shrinking

Opinion by Justin Gest (CNN) — Last week, President Joe Biden committed a diplomatic faux pas when he chided India and Japan, two critical US allies, for being “xenophobic.” Attributing America’s success to its historic openness to immigration, the president suggested that Delhi and Tokyo’s aversion to foreigners constrained their economic growth and population stability. Tactless as

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