The Green Raiteros brings subsidized transportation services to those in need in the Coachella Valley
The LEAP Institute, which stands for Latino, Equity, Advocacy & Policy, is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to empowering underserved communities. They do so through providing vital programs and resources.
One of its programs includes a rideshare network called The Green Raiteros which is the nations first EV ridesharing service, according to its website.
The LEAP, along with the rideshare program, aims to improve the quality of life for low-income residents and farm workers. After starting operations in 2017 in the City of Huron, they expanded to the City of Coachella in late 2024.
The Green Raiteros is designed to provided subsidized transportation to those who need it, including low-income families, people with transportation insecurity and farm workers. It aids people in accessing work, healthcare and other services they may struggle to reach on their own.
The program will host a ribbon cutting ceremony on Feb. 4 to ensure the community is aware of its services and opportunities available to them through the rideshare.
Tune in to News Channel 3 at 6 p.m. for more information on The Green Raiteros.