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Month: January 2021

Marvel’s ‘WandaVision’ looks to make Disney+ even mightier

“WandaVision,” Marvel Studios’ first original series for Disney+, hits streaming this weekend. That’s excellent news for Disney+, considering that Marvel is the company’s mightiest brand. And it’s bad news for Disney’s rivals, since the new service has notched 86 million subscribers, even without an exclusive original series from Hollywood’s biggest blockbuster franchise. Sure, Disney+ has

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¿Por qué Signal es tan popular ahora y en qué se diferencia de WhatsApp? Lo que debes saber sobre esta aplicación de mensajería

(CNN Business) –– Millones de usuarios han acudido en masa a Signal, una aplicación de mensajería encriptada, durante los últimos días. Tanto así que esta semana llegó al puesto número 1 en Play Store de Google y también en las principales listas de aplicaciones gratuitas de la App Store de Apple. Signal registró cerca de

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Here’s what’s in Biden’s $1.9 trillion economic rescue package

Bigger stimulus checks. More aid for the unemployed, the hungry and those facing eviction. Additional support for small businesses, states and local governments. Increased funding for vaccinations and testing. These are key parts of a $1.9 trillion proposal that President-elect Joe Biden unveiled Thursday evening. Billed as the American Rescue Plan, the package augments many

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Xiaomi and other Chinese companies slapped with US restrictions as Trump’s term winds down

The Trump administration is inflicting even more damage on Chinese businesses — including smartphone maker Xiaomi — with just days to go before President-elect Joe Biden takes office. The US Defense Department on Thursday added nine Chinese firms, including Xiaomi, to a list of companies the agency claims are owned or controlled by China’s military.

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Lady Gaga y Jennifer Lopez encabezarán la toma de posesión de Biden y Harris

(CNN) — Lady Gaga y Jennifer López encabezarán la ceremonia de juramentación del presidente electo Joe Biden y la vicepresidenta electa Kamala Harris, anunció el jueves el Comité de Inauguración Presidencial. Lady Gaga, quien tiene un historial de activismo junto a Biden e hizo campaña por él durante las elecciones, interpretará el himno nacional. Además

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