Assemblymember Wallis introduces bill to reclassify all arson offenses as felonies
Right now, some serious arson offenses can be charged as misdemeanors allowing offenders to avoid serious consequences. In light of the LA wildfires, local State Assemblymember Greg Wallis (R) wants to ensure that all arson offenses are treated as felonies.
Wallis has just introduced a bill that aims to reclassify all arson offenses as felonies, removing the option to charge certain fire-related offenses as misdemeanors.
By classifying these offenses as felonies, potential punishments like prison sentences could be increased. The goal is to crack down on arsonists and help prevent more wildfires.
"As we all know, fire season has become year-round in our state and our hearts go out to all who have lost their homes. But it's really important a lot of the work we're doing to help Los Angeles rebuild, we can't act like this is not going to happen time and time again unless we change policies in this state to prevent fires from happening," Wallis said.
Wallis says he's optimistic the bill will move forward in Sacramento. It is expected to be heard in committee on February 28.
For more information on the bill, AB-336, click here