PSUSD Superintendent Dr. Sandra Lyon announces her retirement

Palm Springs Unified School District Superintendent Sandra Lyon, Ed.D announced her retirement effective June 30, 2021. Lyon made the announcement during Tuesday's Board of Education meeting.
"You just know when it’s time," Lyon said in a statement. "Being the superintendent in Palm Springs Unified has been the highlight of my career. The staff, students, families, community and board all come together to make a special learning community that cares for and supports each other."
Lyon added that she announced her retirement now in order to give the district time to find her replacement. She added that there is still much work to be done over the next six months.

"It is far too early to say goodbye as we have much more hard and wonderful work to do together during the second half of the most unique and challenging school year any of us have ever experienced."
Dr, Sandra Lyon, in a letter to staff.
Lyon took over as the district's Superintendent of Schools on July 1, 2016.
Board of Education member John Gerardi, the Board’s outgoing President, reflected on Lyon’s contributions during her five years as Superintendent.
"On behalf of the Board of Education, I would like to thank Dr. Lyon for her dedication, commitment and enthusiasm in serving our students, staff and communities," said Gerardi.
"Dr. Lyon truly has a teacher’s heart. Without question, she understands what good education is and how to implement it. We have all learned much from her, and it is difficult to imagine working with anyone else who has more passion for the position. We wish her much happiness in her retirement."
Board of Education member John Gerardi
Prior to her time at PSUSD, Lyon served as chief leadership officer for the Palmdale School District and superintendent/principal at Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes School District in the Antelope Valley.
Lyon spent nearly 30 years in the field of education.
Her career dates back to her time as a teacher in 1988 as an English teacher and language arts teacher.
Members of the PSUSD community are receiving a survey to provide input into the district's search for a new superintendent.
Stay with News Channel 3 for continuing updates on the search.