Weather Recap: July 2023

July 2023 was HOT! Aside from going down as the hottest month ever recorded globally, July in the Coachella Valley was relentless with its heat. More than 75% of July this year saw daily high temperatures above the seasonal average. As well, three days either tied or broke the previous record high temperature for that given day. We should note that this graph represents data collected from the Palm Springs International Airport.

When we look at the average daily high temperature for July, July 2023 saw the highest average in more than a decade! The average high for the month was 113.6°F, and the average daily low temperature was 83.5°F.

While the temperatures may have been above average, last month's precipitation was well below average. For Palm Springs, we normally see 0.25 inches of rain during the month of July, and Thermal normally receives 0.13 inches. This year, only trace amounts of rain were measured at both airports. This means that precipitation was observed, but not enough fell to actually be measured. It should be noted that some locations in the valley did see measurable rainfall from monsoonal storms, but not where the official data is recorded - the Palm Springs and Thermal airports.

Overall, the month of July was quite unusual both in terms of temperatures and precipitation. June 2023 was exceptionally mild, but July surely made up for it. The First Alert Weather Team is always tracking the weather here in the Coachella Valley. Check back this time next month for a recap of August 2023.
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