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Month: July 2013

Mountain Fire 92 percent contained

The fight against the nearly encircled Mountain Firewas winding down today, with command of the blaze handed over to localpersonnel this morning and full containment expected on Friday, the U.S. ForestService said. The blaze was 92 percent contained as of 8:45 a.m., having scorched morethan 27,500 acres of the San Bernardino National Forest since breaking

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Man shot dead in Thermal

A man died in Thermal this morning after a shooting near the intersection of Dillon Rd and Ave 48. According to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office, police responded to reports of a shooting in the area at about 12:24 a.m. When they arrived, deputies found a Hispanic man in a dirt field who had been

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Indio mural to be unveiled

The city of Indio on Thursday will unveil its ninth mural, depicting elements of the area’s natural landscape. The mural will be unveiled at 9 a.m. at 82660 Miles Ave. The ceremony will be free and open to the public, and snacks will be available, city spokesman Jason Chan said. The mural was painted by

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Terry Smith Sr. speaks out

A public memorial will be held Thursday for Terry Smith, Jr., the 11-year-old boy whose body was found in a shallow grave in his family’s yard in Menifee. His half-brother 16-year-old Skylor Atilano now faces charges of murder. The father of the victim, Terry Smith, Sr., held a news conference to answer questions about his

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Piden frente a Casa Blanca parar deportaciones

Docenas de personas se concentraron el mircoles frente a la Casa Blanca para solicitar al presidente Barack Obama que suspenda inmediatamente las deportaciones de inmigrantes sin papeles. Inmigrantes y activistas procedentes de diferentes estados entonaron cantos y consignas mientras bailaban alrededor de coloridas pancartas gigantes sobre el pavimento, que rezaban “Reforma Migratoria Ahora” y “Ni

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