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Month: February 2021

Manhattan DA faces critical decisions in Trump investigation as his time in office runs low

At the helm of the most significant criminal investigation facing Donald Trump, his family and his business, Manhattan’s top prosecutor faces a daunting task heading into his final months in office while sifting through millions of newly obtained pages of financial records related to the former President. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance is not expected

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Caster Semenya appeals to European Court of Human Rights over ‘discriminatory’ testosterone limit

Caster Semenya, the South African Olympic champion runner, has appealed to the European Court of Human Rights to end “discriminatory” testosterone limits imposed on female athletes. Semenya is hyperandrogenous — meaning she has naturally high levels of the male sex hormone — and is fighting against new rules introduced in 2019 by track and field’s

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Tribal health providers have figured out the key to Covid-19 vaccine success. Here’s their secret

Native people have been disproportionately hit by Covid-19, experiencing higher rates of infection, hospitalization and death than White people in the US. But when it comes to vaccine administration, tribal health providers are often outpacing counties and states. For the most part, the Covid-19 vaccine rollout in the US so far has been beset by

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Republican legislators around the country seek to strip governors and officials of emergency election powers

Republican legislators around the country are moving aggressively to strip governors and other officials of their power to change election rules — after states made it easier to vote last year during the coronavirus pandemic and turnout surged to record levels. The measures have been introduced in at least eight states with Republican-controlled legislatures —

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‘Captain of a ship in uncharted waters’: Inside Nancy Pelosi’s first months of the new Congress

On the cusp of passing President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could move the legislation without a single Democratic defection. It’s a sign of Democrats’ willingness to back the President on his first big legislative push and a reflection of Pelosi’s firm hold on the caucus that may prove her most

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El aumento de las llegadas de menores no acompañados a la frontera sur de EE.UU. enciende las alarmas

(CNN) — El creciente número de menores migrantes que llegan solos a la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México está generando alarma entre los funcionarios que luchan por encontrar suficiente espacio para albergar a los menores hasta que sean reubicados con sus padres o familiares en Estados Unidos. El jueves, un alto funcionario del Departamento

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NASA’s DC headquarters is being renamed for ‘Hidden Figures’ scientist Mary Jackson

The name of Mary Jackson, NASA’s first African American female engineer and one of the barrier-breaking inspirations for the book “Hidden Figures,” will officially adorn the space agency’s Washington, DC, headquarters Friday. NASA announced its decision last year to name the building in Jackson’s honor. Members of her family, including granddaughter Wanda Jackson, are expected

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Qué significa que Biden haya quitado la restricción de Trump a ciertas visas de inmigrantes por la pandemia

(CNN) — El presidente Joe Biden revocó el miércoles un decreto de Trump que prohibía temporalmente algunas visas de inmigrantes durante la pandemia de coronavirus. La medida abre vías legales para migrar a Estados Unidos que el expresidente Donald Trump había cerrado, argumentando en ese momento que era lo mejor para la economía en los

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