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Month: April 2021

White House considers broad range of migration plans ahead of Harris visit to Central America

The Biden administration is considering pressing Guatemala to address governance issues in the country, ranging from investment to corruption, according to a source familiar with the deliberations at the White House, highlighting just one of the delicate negotiations Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to lead. The State Department, in coordination with other federal agencies,

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Meet Ayesha McGowan, the first Black American woman in pro cycling: ‘The thing that we’re working for isn’t just existing in a space, it’s thriving’

A bike can take you a long way quickly. As well taking you to new places and spaces. It’s a journey cyclist Ayesha McGowan is experiencing both professionally — and emotionally. When McGowan chats to CNN Sport she’s on a high from finishing the first leg of an intense training season in Tuscany for the

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