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Month: February 2022

CNN poll: Most Americans want US to do more to stop Russia, but most also oppose direct military action

By Jennifer Agiesta and Ariel Edwards-Levy, CNN Americans overwhelmingly favor increased economic sanctions against Russia and broadly support further action to stop Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but most oppose direct US military action, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Eighty-three percent of Americans said they favored increased economic sanctions against Russia in

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Las 5 cosas que debes saber este 28 de febrero: Conversaciones mientras Ucrania frena avance ruso

olivertapia Putin le sigue apostando al conflicto bélico en Ucrania. Expulsan algunos bancos rusos de SWIFT. Nueva evidencia sobre el origen del coronavirus. Esto es lo que debes saber para comenzar el día. Primero la verdad. 1 Putin ordena alerta máxima para fuerzas con armas nucleares El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, ordenó el domingo

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FIFA plan for Russian team to play international soccer matches has been branded ‘disgraceful’

By Ben Church, CNN The president of the Polish Football Association has described FIFA’s plan to allow a Russian team to continue playing international soccer matches as “disgraceful.” Football’s world governing body announced on Sunday that Russia must play all upcoming international fixtures on neutral sites without fans under the name “Football Union of Russia,”

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From rallies to boycotts, state governments and ordinary Americans back Ukraine while condemning Russia

CNN By Travis Caldwell, CNN Russia’s invasion has spurred a groundswell of support for Ukraine in the US, where people rallied in demonstrations over the weekend and states announced decisions to boycott or sever ties with Russian entities. Thousands gathered in cities including Atlanta, Washington, DC, and New York — where key landmarks were lit

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From rallies to boycotts, state governments and ordinary Americans back Ukraine while condemning Russia

By Travis Caldwell, CNN Russia’s invasion has spurred a groundswell of support for Ukraine in the US, where people rallied in demonstrations over the weekend and states announced decisions to boycott or sever ties with Russian entities. Thousands gathered in cities including Atlanta, Washington, DC, and New York — where key landmarks were lit up

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ANÁLISIS | ¿Es el encuentro entre Ucrania y Rusia un camino a seguir o un espectáculo político secundario?

olivertapia Moscú (CNN) — Está en marcha una reunión entre Rusia y Ucrania el lunes en la frontera entre Ucrania y Belarús, cerca del río Pripyat. ¿Es este un avance diplomático o un espectáculo político secundario mientras Rusia continúa su ofensiva en Ucrania? Aclaremos lo que esto no es: la reunión no es una cumbre

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