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Month: November 2023

Crisis diplomática entre España e Israel tras crítica de Pedro Sánchez a “matanza indiscriminada” de civiles en Gaza

macamilarincon (CNN Español) –– El malestar se ha hecho presente en la Oficina del primer ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, tras las declaraciones de este viernes del presidente del Gobierno de España, Pedro Sánchez, quien aseguró desde el paso de Rafah ―frontera de Gaza y Egipto― que Israel no está respetando “los parámetros y límites

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East Texas hospital network can’t receive ambulances because of potential cybersecurity incident

By Sean Lyngaas, CNN (CNN) — A network of hospitals in East Texas has not been able to accept ambulances to emergency rooms since Thanksgiving Day because of a “potential [cyber]security incident,” a hospital spokesperson told CNN on Friday. The hospital network, UT Health East Texas, is operating using “established downtime procedures” as the hospital investigates “a potential security incident” and works to bring computers back online, spokesperson Allison Pollan said in an email. Pollan did not respond to subsequent phone calls seeking more information on the incident and how the hospitals were responding. She declined to answer further questions over email. Headquartered in Tyler, Texas, UT Health East Texas operates 10 hospitals and more than 90 clinics in the region, and provides health care to thousands of patients annually, according to its LinkedIn page.

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Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat running for president, says he won’t run for re-election to Congress

By TRISHA AHMED Associated Press/Report for America MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips, who is running for president and challenging Joe Biden in the primary, has announced that he will not seek reelection to Congress in 2024. The 54-year-old Minnesota congressman said Friday it is time to pass the torch after three terms in

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Mexico cancels conference on 1960s and 1970s rights violations raising claims of censorship

Mexico’s Department of the Interior reportedly revoked funding on Friday for a conference on the government’s violent anti-insurgency policy from the 1960s to the 1980s, raising claims of censorship. The conference had been scheduled to begin in two days time. Organizers said they were forced to cancel the event, which would have focused on the

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Appeals court says Georgia may elect utility panel statewide, rejecting a ruling for district voting

By JEFF AMY Associated Press ATLANTA (AP) — A federal appeals court has ruled that Georgia can keep statewide elections for its five-member commission regulating utilities. The Friday ruling overturns a lower court judge who found statewide elections for public service commissioners illegally diluted Black votes. The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals says federal

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‘We absolutely need to act immediately,’ says UN chief during visit to Antarctica ahead of COP28

By ISABELLA O’MALLEY and ALEXANDRE PLAZA Associated Press KING GEORGE ISLAND, Antarctica (AP) — Ahead of international climate talks, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited globally-important Antarctica, where ice that’s been frozen for millions of years is melting due to human-caused climate change, sending the message that “we absolutely need to act immediately.” The visit comes

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‘Adopt an axolotl’ campaign launches in Mexico to save iconic species from pollution and trout

By DANIEL SHAILER Associated Press MEXICO CITY (AP) — Ecologists from Mexico’s National Autonomous university on Friday relaunched a fundraising campaign to bolster conservation efforts for axolotls, an iconic, endangered fish-like type of salamander. The campaign, called “Adoptaxolotl,” asks people for as little as 600 pesos (about $35) to virtually adopt one of the tiny

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Comunidad Judía de Chile pide impedir que el músico Roger Waters incite “al odio y al antisemitismo”

macamilarincon (CNN Español) –– La organización Comunidad Judía de Chile (CJCh) informó este viernes que interpuso un recurso de reposición y apelación en subsidio, luego de que la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago rechazó su pedido de protección para prohibir al músico Roger Waters “utilizar elementos o emitir comentarios que inciten al odio y al

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Guatemala busca a 10 comerciantes presuntamente desaparecidos en la frontera con México

CNNEspañol sjv (CNN Español) — El Gobierno de Guatemala informó este viernes que está buscando a 10 comerciantes guatemaltecos presuntamente desaparecidos en la frontera del país con el estado mexicano de Chiapas. El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Guatemala dijo en un comunicado que ya emitió una alerta internacional y que se mantiene en contacto

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