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Month: January 2024

House GOP leaders moving forward on bipartisan plan that expands child tax credit as some Republicans express concern

By Melanie Zanona and Tami Luhby, CNN House GOP leaders are moving forward with a $78 billion bipartisan tax package even as some Republicans express reservations over the deal, which includes an expansion of the popular child tax credit — a top Democratic priority. Speaker Mike Johnson said at a private event on Monday that the bill – which

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Biden’s response to Jordan attack is likely to be powerful, but US is wary of triggering a wider war with Iran, officials say

By Oren Liebermann, Natasha Bertrand and Katie Bo Lillis, CNN (CNN) — The US’ response to the drone attack in Jordan that killed and wounded US service members on Sunday is likely to be more powerful than previous American retaliatory strikes in Iraq and Syria, officials told CNN, though the Pentagon and White House are

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Distraction and visibility played a part in near-collision between American and Delta flight at JFK airport, docs show

By Pete Muntean and Gregory Wallace, CNN (CNN) — The pilots of an American Airlines flight were distracted by paperwork when they erroneously taxied into the path of a departing Delta flight, setting off alarms in the control tower at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport and prompting an urgent plea to “cancel takeoff clearance” from

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¿Qué está pasando con Israel y la financiación de la agencia de la ONU para palestinos, conocida como UNRWA?

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — La suspensión de la financiación por parte de un número creciente de países occidentales a una agencia de las Naciones Unidas que brinda apoyo para los refugiados palestinos plantea interrogantes sobre el destino de los 5,9 millones de refugiados a los que atiende. Estados Unidos y al menos 12 de sus

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‘Attracted by the siren call of celebrity’: What an Alex Murdaugh judge said about the clerk accused of jury tampering

By Zoe Sottile and Dianne Gallagher, CNN (CNN) — As South Carolina Judge Jean Toal denied disgraced lawyer Alex Murdaugh’s request for a new murder trial on Monday evening, she had some harsh remarks about the county clerk at the center of the Murdaugh legal team’s jury tampering allegations. Colleton County Clerk of Court Rebecca

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Estados Unidos identifica a los tres militares que murieron en ataque con drones en Jordania

macamilarincon (CNN) –– Los tres militares estadounidenses que murieron en el ataque con drones contra un puesto de EE.UU. en Jordania fueron identificados este lunes como el sargento William Rivers, de 46 años, originario de Carrollton, Georgia; el especialista Kennedy Sanders, de 24 años, originario de Waycross, Georgia; y la especialista Breonna Moffett, de 23 años,

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ANÁLISIS | La promesa de Biden de “cerrar” la frontera representa un cambio político sorprendente

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Los cambios del presidente Joe Biden en la cuestión electoral clave de la inmigración entraron en una nueva fase cuando prometió “cerrar la frontera ahora mismo” si el Congreso le otorgaba nuevos poderes. El contexto político más profundo de los comentarios, pronunciados en un acto de campaña en Carolina del Sur

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