Still on track to warm up for the weekend
The average high temperature for this time in July remains 108°. Temperatures will be 5°-8° above average for the weekend.
A ridge of high pressure to the east will have a slight westward enhancement this weekend. This will warm temperatures up, with Sunday being the warmest day of the weekend.
Temperatures about 5° above average are expected. By Sunday afternoon, gusty winds will pick up for the desert. Winds will be gusty through the evening with peaks at 45 mph.
And if you look up to the sky just after sunset you can try and see the Neowise comet. You will be able to see it through July 23rd. Each night the comet will continue rising higher above the northwest horizon. If you don't have observation tools, you'll still be able to see it but it will look more like a fuzzy star with a tail.