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First Alert Weather Insider

Weather Insider: September Outlook

September is a crucial month as it represents the transition from summer into fall. Here in the Coachella Valley, September is one of those months where we see the average high temperature fall relatively rapidly. Summer is definitely sticking around for a bit longer though as we continue to feel excessively hot temperatures this week.

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Weather Recap: August 2024

August was another very hot month here in the Coachella Valley! Twenty-one days in the month had a high temperature greater than the seasonable average. Seven days were below average and three days matched the average high temperature for that day. Thankfully, no heat records were broken, despite a 120°F day on the 4th. Overall,

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Weather Recap: July 2024

If you thought July 2024 was unusually hot, you’re not crazy. This was a record-breaking month for the Coachella Valley. Alarmingly, nearly every single day was several degrees above the seasonal average, up to 15° on some days. One day had a high temperature equal to the average and only one day was below average.

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Weather Insider: Odor Advisories

When people visit the Coachella Valley, the Salton Sea isn’t usually at the top of most people’s to-do lists… and for good reason. The Salton Sea often has a bit of an unpleasant odor. This is because of Hydrogen sulfide, a gas which is well known for giving rotten eggs their distinctive smell. As with

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Weather Recap: June 2024

June 2024 was certainly a hot one! High temperatures ranged from 96° to 116°. Only 3 days had highs below average and only a single day had a temperature equal to the average. No records were broken this month, but we still had plenty of heat to go around. 26 days saw temperatures above average

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