Brothers create custom flags to raise money for Gerald Ford Elementary School music and arts programs
Two elementary school students are making money by crafting their own wooden custom flags. The money they raise is being contributed to Gerald Ford Elementary School to help improve the music and arts program.
As brothers Jake and Jason Vasquez followed the "stay at home" orders, they turned some free time into a small business. The idea sprouted because they were utilizing their tablets a lot with virtual classwork. With their grandfather's help and tools, they created tablet holders. Their woodworking skills blossomed and they started to make wooden flags to sell, earmarking part of the proceeds to college savings.
But after their school was vandalized last Thanksgiving, they wanted to give back. The principal estimated the damage at $70,000 in value. Jason and Jake -- with a helping hand from 'Papa' -- have been creating hand-crafted American flags and setting aside some of the profits from their sales to help support the arts and music programs at the school.
The trio headed to the workshop with a goal of making $1,000 by this December but they have already delivered a check exceeding that amount.

Do you want to support Jake and Jason Creations? You can check out their work here:
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