Free masks given away to East Valley farmworkers
A line of cars outside Saul Martinez Elementary School in Mecca. Drivers waited their turn to pick up free masks.
“This helps them to be healthy," said Hortencia Ramos, wife to a farmworker.
“To protect ourselves in the work so we are more protective and so we can be more confident working," said Marisela Hernandez, a farmworker.
Marisela Hernandez, an essential worker said its difficult for farmworkers to practice social distancing and take other steps to protect themselves from coronavirus while working in the fields.
“Yes, its hard but we are trying to keep our distance from others so we are not to close to each other to protect ourselves and them too," said Hernandez.
Hernandez’s biggest worry.
“Getting infected in the work," said Hernandez. "Thats my concern.”
Hortencie Ramos ,whose husband works in the fields is also concerned.
“He comes with the virus and brings it home," said Ramos.
The California Rural Legal Assistance team giving away the masks.
“To make sure they are maintaining their health and that they are protected the face masks include a filter that lasts up to 72 hours of use," said Lilliana Huerta.
Lilliana Huerta demonstrates how the masks work.
“It has a pocket inside the mask you insert the filter and then you can begin to use the mask other that it is washable and adjustable so you can use these strands," said Huerta.
Coronavirus cases are spiking in the East Valley, county public health officials reported a total of 217 confirmed cases and 6 deaths in Mecca.
“Accessibility to resources including a mask being able to purchase a mask," said Huerta. "That's reusable isn’t always easy especially for bigger families and farm workers don't have the privilege to stop working.
“Thank you, for doing this for the farmers," said Ramos.