Dinos and cannabis? Dispensary could be built next to Cabazon Dinosaurs

The iconic Cabazon Dinosaurs may be getting a cannabis dispensary as its new neighbor.
On Tuesday, the Riverside County board of supervisors approved a conditional use permit for Empire Cannabis to build a 4,916 square foot cannabis retail facility on Seminole Drive off Interstate 10. The dispensary will be built approximately 624 feet away from the dinosaur park.
The proximity to the dinosaurs was one of the concerns brought up in a county presentation as it is a popular destination for children and their families.
The county planning commission previously voted 4-1 to recommend denying the permit due to the proximity as well as the an issue with parking space availability.
According to officials, the dinosaur park is not considered a park by the county, so it does not fall under a sensitive use business that would prevent a dispensary to open nearby.
The project will return to the board of supervisors in the future, with new findings based on the discussions during Tuesday's meeting.