Local organization helps non-residents have documents ready for the upcoming tax season
Tax season is just around the corner and a local organization, TODEC, is working to make sure non-residents living in the United States have their documents ready, including an ITIN number.
An ITIN is a 9-digit number that the IRS issues to people filing a tax return who are not U.S. citizens and who do not have a social security number.
An ITIN number can help someone open a bank account, start their credits even to claim child credits at the end, and an ITIN can help someone report their taxes at the end of the year as well,” said Ismael Cruz, civic engagement coordinator at TODEC Legal Center.
The process of renewing or applying for an ITIN can take up to 8 months.
For more information about the process contact TODEC at https://todec.org/contact/.