Weather Insider: Why it’s so windy around sundown
Spring is the windy season here in the Coachella Valley, with our winds often being the strongest around sundown. As we begin to warm into the 90s and triple digits, the coasts are still feeling cooler temperatures thanks to the moderating effects of the ocean. the warmer temperatures here cause the pressure to drop slightly, creating a pressure gradient. Winds will flow from high to low pressure (toward the desert) in an attempt to equalize the pressure difference.

As the wind moves toward the desert, it will move through the San Gorgonio Pass. As it moves through the pass, the wind accelerates due to the Venturi Effect (this is the same effect as putting your thumb over a garden hose and seeing the water speed up). The faster winds are funneled from the pass into the Coachella Valley, causing stronger winds around sundown.