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Month: March 2013

AT&T planning to bring hundreds of jobs to Inland Empire

Telecommunications giant AT&T today announced plansto hire more than 500 workers in the inland region and throughout California inwhat company officials describe as a workforce expansion to meet growing demandfor the carrier’s products and services. “I’m proud that AT&T is creating new job opportunities in Riverside,”AT&T California President Ken McNeely said. “As a leader in

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La Quinta Arts Festival opens

The four-day La Quinta Arts Festival opens Thursday. The festival, which goes through Sunday, will feature 230 contemporary artists exhibiting their work at the La Quinta Civic Center. The event is ranked the No. 1 fine art festival in the country by Art Fair SourceBook, a guide for art and craft fairs in the United

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Basura acomulada

Diversas agencias entre ellas la oficina del supervisor del condado de Riverside afrontan el problema de acomulacin de basura en el parque de casas moviles “Duroville” en Thermal. Despus que Telemundo 15 reportara sobre el problema de recoleccin temporal de basura que afecto a decenas de familias. El mircoles la oficina del supervisor del condado

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Beaumont murder suspect arrested

A Beaumont woman wanted in the murder of her roommatewas arrested today in Simi Valley, a city spokeswoman said. Vanessa Kathleen Fierro, 30, was arrested in the 1900 block of StoweStreet by Beaumont police, backed up by Simi Valley officers, about 2:20 a.m.and booked in Banning on suspicion of murder, Beaumont spokeswoman DarciMulvihill said. Fierro,

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Roban Best Buy de Palm Desert

Hoy mircoles a las 3:30 a.m. el sistema de alarma le indic a la polica que la tienda Best Buy de Palm Desert estaba siendo asaltada. Cuando los uniformados llegaron al lugar se encontraron con que la puerta de lmina de la parte trasera de las instalaciones que utilizan para envos grandes haba sido daada

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