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Month: July 2013

Japanese company blamed for closure of San Onofre nuclear power plant

Southern California Edison says it is seeking to hold Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and Mitsubishi Nuclear Energy Systems liable for defective steam generators that forced the closure of the San Onofre nuclear power plant. The utility says in a statement Thursday that Mitsubishi should be accountable for designing and manufacturing replacement steam generators that were

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Man stabbed to death in Moreno Valley

A 46-year-old man was stabbed to death in Moreno Valley Thursday morning and a 22-year-old man was arrested in connection with the slaying, authorities said. Deputies sent to the 2400 block of Webster Avenue around 1:35 a.m. found Joe Davila of Moreno Valley inside a residence suffering from at least one stab wound, said Riverside

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Lder de los Zetas intent escapar

El mximo lder del cartel de las drogas de Los Zetas, Miguel ngel Trevio Morales, intent escapar antes de que marinos lograran capturarlo el lunes, en el mayor golpe del actual gobierno al narcotrfico. Un funcionario del gobierno federal revel el mircoles a The Associated Press que cuando un Black Hawk de la Marina mexicana

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Nuevo instrumento puede detectar cncer

Los cirujanos podran tener un nuevo instrumento para detectar cncer. Un bistur experimental puede ayudar a los cirujanos a asegurarse que han retirado todo el tejido canceroso, reportaron mdicos el mircoles. Los cirujanos normalmente utilizan bisturs que calientan el tejido mientras cortan, produciendo un humo muy oloroso. El nuevo escalpelo analiza el humo y puede

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Smoke advisory in effect for 3rd day

For the third straight day, the South Coast AirQuality Management District today issued a smoke advisory for the CoachellaValley due to ash and smoke from the 22,800-acre brush fire in the nearbymountains. The air quality could reach an unhealthy level, according to air qualityofficials, and residents should avoid vigorous outdoor activity, keep windowsand doors closed

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