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Month: April 2021

The new ‘jollof wars’ and why Twitter chose Ghana over Nigeria for its first Africa base

Twitter’s announcement Monday that it will set up its first Africa base in Ghana, West Africa, has generated fierce debate among Nigerian users of the social media app, and reignited the never-ending rivalry between the two countries, known colloquially as the ‘jollof wars.’ Many Nigerians believe that Twitter’s decision is a snub to the continent’s

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Treasury sets up office to oversee implementation of recovery programs

The Treasury Department is establishing an Office of Recovery Programs to lead the agency’s implementation of economic relief measures from three massive congressional coronavirus relief bills. The office, which will be led by Jacob Leibenluft, will mainly focus on establishing and administering the Treasury programs to support an equitable and swift recovery from the pandemic.

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Show your vaccine card, get free beer

Click here for updates on this story     RAYTOWN, Missouri (KCTV, KSMO) — A Raytown brewery is offering free beer to anyone who shows their vaccine card this week, the business announced on Facebook. Crane Brewing Company wanted to find a way to say ‘thank you’ to those who have gotten vaccinated during the COVID-19 pandemic,

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Amazon, Google, GM, Starbucks and hundreds of companies join to oppose voting restrictions

Hundreds of prominent executives from high-profile companies, including Amazon, Google, BlackRock and Starbucks, signed a statement that opposes discriminatory legislation that makes voting harder. The statement, printed Wednesday in an advertisement in the New York Times, was organized by Ken Chenault and Ken Frazier, two of America’s most prominent Black corporate leaders. The statement called

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Otorgan libertad condicional a José López, exfuncionario del kirchnerismo recordado por la escena de los bolsos de dinero en un convento

(CNN Español) — La justicia argentina concedió la libertad condicional al exfuncionario José López, según el fallo al que accedió CNN. López, exsecretario de Obras Públicas de los gobiernos de Néstor y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, había sido condenado en 2019 por enriquecimiento ilícito y tenencia ilegal de arma de fuego, tras haber sido descubierto

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Hit crime drama ‘Luther’ isn’t ‘authentic,’ BBC’s diversity chief says

The BBC’s diversity chief has said its hit detective series “Luther” is not “authentic” enough. The show’s protagonist, John Luther, played by Idris Elba, “doesn’t have any Black friends, he doesn’t eat any Caribbean food, this doesn’t feel authentic,” said Miranda Wayland. “It’s great having those big landmark shows with those key characters, but it’s

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