Parade of Planes a spectacle to see
Dozens of airplanes taxied down the roads of Palm Springs all the way down to the Convention Center in the Parade of Planes. Flying Aviation Expo took over the spectacle and hopes to keep the tradition running for years to come. “I mean, the parade of planes is the only place in the world you’ll see planes under power taxing down city streets,” said Marco Parrotto, president of the Flying Aviation Expo.
Planes started at Palm Springs International and took off, but instead to the air, they went to the streets. Hundreds of people, ranging in ages and sizes, flocked to Alejo road to feel the power. Pets also made the trek with their owners to see an amazing sight of planes taxing on a regular road driven by many in the city. The planes ranged from new jets, to small piston planes, and also included some World War II warbirds that are still functional. Parrotto couldn’t be more pleased. “The reaction is unreal. If you just happen to look around from young kids to older people, they have a grin ear to ear, and it’s just, it’s an opportunity for people to actually see and feel airplanes up close. There’s nowhere in the world you can do that.”
KESQ and CBS Local 2 were the only television stations allowed in an actual cockpit. The different viewpoint showed a pilot’s perspective of the smiling faces, as well as the overall amusement from the crowd. Although the people were limited to the sidewalk and off the street, pilots like flight instructor Brent Plumlee were still very aware of their surroundings. “Absolutely, it’s a different experience. You don’t usually have (people) in or around the airport. But everyone was great, no one ran out in front of the plane, and it was a good fun parade.”
And the three-day event is just beginning.
“Well, like you said, this is just the tip of the iceberg,” said Brenda Siegel, a visitor from Virginia who is a member of the Ninety-Nines, the international organization of women pilots . “So this is just the first thing to get you going and get you excited about seeing these beautiful aircrafts.”
The Flying Aviation Expo begins Friday at 10am till 5pm. Saturday is also from 10am till 5pm. Sunday starts at 10am and finishes at 2pm, which sets up the reverse parade back to Palm Springs International.
For more information on the event, go to