Familias de una comunidad de casas mobiles denuncian condiciones deplorables en DHS
Varias familias de una comunidad en Desert Hot Springs denunciaron que viven en condiciones deplorables debido a que los nuevos dueños de la propiedad no se hacen responsables, la comunidad de casas mobiles ubicada en 66434 5th street en DHS diejron a noticias Telemundo15 que desde hace 3 años los dueños ni los manejadores no les hacen caso cuando reportan tuberías dañadas, basura en exceso, etc, etc.
Comentaron que los manejadores llegan solo a cobrar la renta y que siempre les dicen que si tomaran cartas en el asunto pero nunca hacen nada para solucionar el problema.
Hoy estuvo uno de los inspectores revisando la propiedad pero tomara más de 160 días para determinar si esa propiedad es habitable o no. Las casi 50 familias que viven en esas casas mobiles son de escasos recursos y dicen que han pedido ayuda a la ciudad y a políticos como el asambleísta Eduardo García pero que nadie ha hecho algo por ellos.
Adam Sánchez ex alcalde de DHS dicen que es el único que los a estado asesorando para que alguien pueda hacer algo por ellos.
Por su parte el asambleísta García envió el siguiente comunicado de prensa:
Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s Statement:
“Since this issue was brought to our attention my office has been in active communication with residents of the mobile home park and we have stressed the urgency to the Department of Housing and Community Development. We asked them to further inspect the substandard conditions of the mobile home park. We anticipate that the park owner will be asked to take responsibility for repairs for which they have already begun pulling permits. We have a dedicated member of our team assigned to this issue who has been in direct contact with residents. We conduct regular check-ins and have been working diligently to address the community’s concerns and resolve this matter as soon as possible. We are anxious to see the results of the park inspection so that this information can be shared and we can ensure that the necessary corrective actions are taken. Public safety is a paramount concern; a majority of these issues can be addressed immediately by the city and its public safety department in partnership with the owner. We call upon them to do so.”
Additional Info On Background:
* The Office of Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia was first made aware of issue and proceeded to gather more information.
* The Office of Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia officially opened an inquiry with The Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) legislative liaison.
* After submitting the primary complaint the Office proceeded to work with numerous residents individually to assist them in submitting their own complaints to HCD.
* HCD was put in communication with owners of the park and moved forward with their agency investigation.
* HCD investigation is still underway. Next step will be to review the results of HCD’s mobile home park inspection.
* Office of Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia remains in active communication with both HCD and the residents; following up as new updates become available.
* Primary resident in contact with Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia’s Office is Dayanara Galindo.