Tech-based literacy summit to be held in Palm Desert
A literacy summit focusing on use of technology inclassrooms will be held Thursday at Cal State San Bernardino’s Palm Desertcampus.
The event will explore the iPad as a tool for developing and enhancingliteracy in elementary, middle and high school classrooms. Discussion topicswill include how iPad apps can support literacy, and ideas for using iPads inclassrooms to develop and extend literacy. Attendees are encouraged to bringiPads, according to campus spokesman Mike Singer.
Keynote speaker Brian Newberry, an associate professor of science,technology and math education at Cal State San Bernardino, will give a talktitled “The iPad and K-12 Literacy.”
The summit, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 4 the campus’s Oliphant Auditorium. Parking is also free.
For more information about the summit, contact associate dean DorisWilson at (760) 341-2883, ext. 78170, or at