Potential for floods prompts opening of voluntary evacuation center in Idyllwild
An evacuation center has been established at Idyllwild Elementary School after heavy monsoon rains in the area of the Mountain Fire created the potential for flash floods and debris flows in several locations.
Residents of Apple Canyon Road, north of Bonita Vista Road, were given precautionary evacuation warnings just after 1 p.m. Monday. The evacuation center opened at the school, 26700 Highway 243, around 5 p.m. for residents who feel threatened by the rain and potential flood and debris flows.
By 6 p.m. Monday, no residents had taken advantage of the shelter being open.
The evacuation warning is expected to remain in place until after conditions improve and the center, staffed by the American Red Cross, will remain open at least through Tuesday morning. Residents with questions about the shelter can call (855) 891-7325 overnight.
Trees, rocks and other debris can easily be washed downstream when rain follows a fire. Debris in canyons south of Palm Canyon may contain significant debris that shifts water flows away from normal paths.
Residents along S. Palm Canyon Drive south of Bogert Trail should pay particular attention and take precautions to avoid potential flood waters and debris flows. Residents should not try to halt or divert debris carried by flood waters.