Blood, bone marrow drive held for cancer patient
A blood and bone marrow drive is scheduled in Palm Desert Thursday for an employee of a marketing firm who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
The drive is for Peggy Gaynor-Cambon, who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
The blood and marrow drive takes place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Guthy Renker, 41550 Eclectic St., Suite 200.
According to Don Escalante, LifeStream blood banks spokesman, anyone between the ages of 18-44 can register at no cost for marrow donation. If you are between the ages of 45-60, you can still register online but you’ll have to pay a fee.
“We’re hoping more people realize how important bone marrow registry is … we’re hoping a lot of people come out to register,” Escalante said.
Joining the bone marrow registry involves giving a cheek swab and filling out paperwork.
Multiple myeloma, which affects plasma cells in bone marrow, can be treated by transplanting stem cells from blood and marrow.
Donors will receive a free ticket to the Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival, which is Feb. 14-23 in Indio.
All donors get free cholesterol screenings and physicals. Healthy people at least 15 years old can give blood, but those 15 and 16 years old must provide written parental consent.
Photo identification is required, and all donors should eat before arriving and be well-hydrated.