Palm Desert Citizens on Patrol back on the streets and looking for new volunteers

The group Citizens on Patrol in Palm Desert is looking for new volunteers to join them in providing support to sheriff's deputies in the city.
The group suspended their operations in March 2020, after cases of Covid-19 were first reported in Riverside County.
They resumed patrols in the city in late February, almost one year later.
The volunteers provide law enforcement support by responding to accident scenes and by helping with things like crowd control at events.
They're not involved in confrontational situations.
"You're able to give back. It's a great feeling when the deputies thank you and how much they appreciate your being out there. They're all very thrilled we are back out. We've been gone for a year," said Jeff Alley, a Captain for Citizens on Patrol..
Volunteers who join Citizens on Patrol do not carry firearms.
They also participate in training before going out on patrol.
Those who sign up have to be at least 18 years old.
A law enforcement background is not necessary.
In fact, most volunteers come from other fields.
Use the link below to the website for the City of Palm Desert to apply to the COPS program.