Mexicans relish tamales, savoring tradition and nostalgia
Associated Press
MEXICO CITY (AP) — At least three times a week, Mexico City bus driver Nicolás Cuatencos stops by a stand selling tamales. He always gets a “guajolota,” or “turkey,” which is a corn husk-wrapped corn dough and salsa delicacy slid into crusty bun that has been his weakness since childhood. Tamales are not only delicious and a high caloric way to fuel the work day,. They also invariably carry nostalgia for millions like Cuatencos, who remembers his grandmother preparing tamales for family celebrations and religious festivals like Candlemas Day on Feb. 2. On that day, Mexican tradition has it that whoever finds the baby Jesus figurine in the King cake eaten on Three Kings Day on Jan. 6 has to buy tamales for the family on Feb. 2.