Staying warm Saturday with a short break from the triple digits on the way
The average temperature in Palm Springs Friday through Sunday is 105°. Temperatures for Friday and Saturday will be warm and a few degrees above seasonal.
Even with a trough of low pressure over Southern California, temperatures in the desert remain warm and conditions remain dry. For the San Bernardino mountains, an isolated shower was seen for the afternoon and that will continue for the early evening.
Tonight, we will feel some breezy winds. Winds will be from the northwest 15-20 mph with gusts reaching mostly into the 30s. Winds will become stronger Sunday as a trough of low pressure dips south Sunday through Monday.
This weekend, Saturday will still remain hot but there are a few days ahead where temperatures will dip below the triple digits. Temperatures will be back in the triple digits by Wednesday.
The air quality forecast from South Coast Air Quality Management District shows unhealthy air quality for sensitive groups will continue through Saturday. If you are in that sensitive group category try to stay indoors.