Cooler temperatures but higher humidity persists
A notable difference in temperatures today compared to yesterday. Highs this afternoon remained below the seasonal average of 107°. Palm Springs peaked at 102° while Thermal reached 104°.
We can certainly feel a difference too with the amount of humidity in the air. Moisture continues to flow through the mid-levels of our atmosphere, moving from the northeast to the south.
This setup allowed for showers and thunderstorms to develop this afternoon over the High Desert and local mountains. A similar setup will follow us into Wednesday. If you take any weather pictures or videos, please send them to!
Dew point temperatures will remain in the 60s Wednesday morning keeping extra muggy conditions around the valley.
The extra moisture will linger through the week, gradually drying out through Friday, still presenting the opportunity for isolated storms to develop over the High Desert. Drier and seasonable temperatures will be with us for the holiday weekend.
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