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Month: April 2012

Limitarn Acceso

Comienza el Festival de Msica y Arte Coachella Fest maana por lo que se espera una gran cantidad de turistas y posibles congestionamientos viales en la ciudad de Indio. Estas son algunas arterias viales que estarn cerradas – La avenida 49 entre Hjorth Street y Monroe. – La avenida 50 entre Madison Street y Jackson.

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Charges Filed In Easter Sunday Killing

A man suspected of killing another man in Coachella on Easter Sunday was charged today with involuntary manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon. Jesus Davila Perea, 37, was arrested in Coachella Tuesday on suspicion of killing 43-year-old Manuel Castro Urena in the 85000 block of Hill Drive. He was scheduled to be arraigned at

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Se Incendia Casa en La Quinta

Un incendio dej a cuatro personas sin hogar y siete mascotas muertas, cuatro perros y tres aves. El siniestro ocurri en una casa ubicada sobre la cuadra 56000 de Monroe Street en La Quinta. Por fortuna ningn miembro de la familia result lesionado. Los daos ascienden a $100 mil dlares. La Cruz Roja Americana est

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Alerta de Trfico por Coachella Fest

Las autoridades alertan a conductores de los posibles retrasos que causarn el congestionamiento de trfico y el cierre de importantes arterias viales debido al Coachella Fest que inicia maana en los terrenos del Polo Empire de Indio. Estar cerrada la Ave 49 entre Hjorton y Madison, la Ave 50 entre Madison y Jackson, Hjorth Street

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FIND Food Bank Feeds 80,000 People

Don Burns calls it his former life — acting in major Hollywood productions alongside Elizabeth Taylor and Clark Cable, modeling for ads and billboards. When he opened the first Baskin-Robbins in New York City, he made the cover of New York Magazine. “And the next thing you know, Jackie Kennedy was coming in and John

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Police Search For Rancho Mirage Bank Robber

Police are searching for a man who allegedly held up a Chase Bank branch on the Rancho Mirage-Palm Desert border Wednesday afternoon. The robbery happened shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the branch located inside the Albertsons grocery store at the intersection of Country Club Drive and Monterey Avenue, said Riverside County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Angel

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2 Coachella Valley Schools Win Title I Award

Nine schools in Riverside County were selected for 2011-12 Title I Academic Achievement Awards, the California Department of Education announced today. Title 1 is a federal assistance program for schools with students living at or below the poverty line. About two-thirds of schools in California receive Title 1 funds. The achievement awards are for schools

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