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Month: April 2012

Rancho Mirage Chase Bank Held Up

Police are searching for a man who allegedly held up a Chase Bank branch on the Rancho Mirage-Palm Desert border Wednesday afternoon. The robbery happened shortly before 1:30 p.m. at the branch located inside the Albertsons grocery store at the intersection of Country Club Drive and Monterey Avenue, said Riverside County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Angel

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Indio P.D. Terminates Operation Stonegarden

Today, the Indio Police Department addressed the recent termination of Operation Stonegarden, a Federal grant program, joining state, local, and tribal law-enforcement agencies, in an effort to secure the U.S. border. Concerns over resources and racial profiling led the Indio P.D. to cut all ties. Indio Chief of Police, Richard Twiss stepped into office at

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Tax Filing Deadline Is April 17

If you think you can’t make the April 17 tax filing deadline, the Internal Revenue Service recommends you file for an extension, giving yourself an additional six months to file your return. The problem, the extension does not mean the IRS will wait for its payment if you owe the government money. “April 17th is

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June Bulnes

June Bulnes es la presentadora del clima para KUNA Noticias, Telemundo 15. Su pasin por las noticias comenz desde muy chica. Le encanta aprender acerca de los fenmeno naturales y pronosticar las condiciones climticas para el Valle de Coachella. Se gradu con honores de la facultad de Periodismo y Comunicacin en la Universidad del Estado

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Hernn Quintas

Hernn Quintas actualmente es presentador y reportero para Kuna Noticias Telemundo 15 a las 6 pm y 11 pm de lunes a viernes. Adems es reportero para KESQ Canal 3 filial de la cadena ABC en el Valle de Coachella. Antes de llegar al Valle de Coachella, Hernn trabaj en KUVS Univisin 19 en Sacramento,

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Rick Santorum Se Retira de La Contienda

El aspirante a la candidatura republicana a la presidencia Rick Santorum anunci su retiro de la contienda. El ex senador por Pensilvania, catlico y aspirante favorito entre los sectores ms conservadores del partido republicano convoc una rueda de prensa en Gettysburg para anunciar su decisin. Santorum figuraba hasta ahora en segundo lugar, por detrs del

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The Desert Celebrates Easter

People started the day with a reminder of what the holiday is truly about. “It puts hope in every person who will put their faith in Christ, so there’s no doubt, no fear, no more pain. Although we still have suffering and hurt, we have certainty of his presence,” Our Savior Church pastor David Sanger

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