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Month: March 2013

U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Indio Station yesterday stopped a vehicle being used for human trafficking.

Around 9 p.m. last night, U.S. Border Patrol responded to a report that a vehicle possibly being used to smuggle humans into the United States was travelling through the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range. After locating the vehicle, a gold Ford F-150, the agents determined it was in fact being used to smuggle humans. They

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Falleco Hugo Chvez

Hugo Chvez Fras, presidente venezolano caracterizado por un gobierno autoritario al que denomin socialista y de tendencia radicalmente antiestadounidense, falleci el martes vctima del cncer que padeca desde 2011, inform su vicepresidente. Tena 58 aos. “Hoy 5 de marzo luego despus de haber acudido a la reunin de consejo de ministros y de la direccin

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Hugo Chavez dies at the age of 58

President Hugo Chavez, the fiery populist who declared a socialist revolution in Venezuela, crusaded against U.S. influence and championed a leftist revival across Latin America, died Tuesday at age 58 after a nearly two-year bout with cancer. Vice President Nicolas Maduro is taking over leadership of Hugo Chavez’s political movement after the socialist leader’s death.

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Serious financial difficulties ahead for Desert Sands and Coachella Unified School Districts

A dozen school districts in Riverside County may comeup short paying their bills in the next couple of years, according to areport released today by the California Department of Education. State Superintendent of Schools Tom Torlakson posted a status report onschool districts’ finances midway through fiscal year 2012-13, and according tothe document, the following 12

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Volunteers needed for final eagle count of the season in Big Bear Lake, Lake Arrowhead, Lake Hemet, Lake Perris and Silverwood Lake

Bird watchers and other outdoor enthusiasts whohaven’t taken part in the U.S. Forest Service’s winter eagle count in the SanBernardino and San Jacinto mountains have one more chance next week before theseason ends. Rangers will hold their final census on Saturday, March 9, andrequested that anyone interested join them at designated locations. Volunteers are needed

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Teen killed in Indio DUI crash

Indio Police say a drunken teen-age driver crashed his Jeep early Sunday inIndio. One passenger was ejected and died of his injuries. Officers received a 911 call at 4 a.m. about the crash, at Adams Streetand Avenue 40, Indio police Administrative Officer Benjamin Guitron said. The passenger who appeared to be in his late teens

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