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Month: July 2013

Parsito estomacal causa alarma

Un inspector de sanidad de alimentos dijo el mircoles que casi toda, si no toda, la ensalada preenvasada que provoc ciclosporosis en centenares de personas en Iowa y Nebraska no fue cultivada en esos estados. El jefe de la Oficina de Seguridad Alimentaria y del Consumidor de Iowa, Steve Mandernach, dijo que al menos el

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Full containment reached on Mountain Fire after burning more than 27,000 acres

Fire officials fully contained the 27,531-acre Mountain Fire Tuesday, more than two weeks after it was sparked by electrical equipment failure on private property northeast of Idyllwild. The blaze, which broke out July 15, has destroyed 23 structures, including seven residences, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Fighting the blaze, which continues to smolder in

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Vandalism at a temple in Riverside has civil rights leaders urging officials to launch criminal investigation

A civil rights organization representing the Sikh religious community is urging local and federal law enforcement agencies this morning to launch hate crime investigations into an incident of vandalism in Riverside. The Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund says it happened late Monday night or early Tuesday morning at the Sikh temple at 7940

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The City of San Diego takes action to protect itself from lawsuits against Mayor Filner

The City Council today voted unanimously to authorize a cross-complaint against Bob Filner to protect municipal coffers against a sexual harassment lawsuit and also to deny public funding for the San Diego mayor’s defense. The decisions involve the case of former mayoral Communications Director Irene McCormack Jackson, who hired high-profile Los Angeles lawyer Gloria Allred

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Muere mujer en incendio

Se realizara una autopsia de ley al cuerpo de una mujer el cual fue encontrado dentro de una vivienda abandonada, el inmueble se prendi en llamas la maana del martes en Desert Hot Springs, as lo dieron a conocer las autoridades. La identidad de la hoy occisa no fue revelada hasta que se de a

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County gives Idyllwild Fire District cash advance

Riverside County supervisors today approved a $400,000loan to the cash-strapped Idyllwild Fire Protection District to coverpersonnel and other expenses that cannot be deferred until the statedistributes the district’s share of property tax revenue. Without comment, the board voted 5-0 to allocate the funding, as it hasdone at the district’s request since 2011. “This is something

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Businesses call for action on immigration

Hundreds of leading business groups and GOP donors called for action on immigration legislation Tuesday, seeking to increase pressure on the House GOP as lawmakers prepare to leave Washington for a five-week summer recess. Two letters were released separately, one signed by more than 400 leading businesses, chambers of commerce and others, and the second

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