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Month: February 2014

Nestande metal theft legislation

Metal parts and wiring that hold together a communities most essential utilities like water and electricity are being ripped apart and sold for scrap at increasing, and alarming rates. “In 2012,” Imperial Irrigation District Government Affairs Officer, Patrick Swarthout said, “It cost our rate payers a million dollars to replace the electrical facilities that were

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Proposed ordinance aims to reduce panhandling

“Scaring customers, they’re scaring business owners. As business owners, we sort of live down here so it becomes a very uncomfortable and possibly threatening situation,” one business owner said. Business owners, one who wanted to remain anonymous, described certain acts disturbing a normally peaceful downtown Palm Springs. “Probably three or four times a week they’re

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El presidente Obama asistir maana mircoles a la sptima edicin de la Cumbre de Lderes de Amrica del Norte en Toluca, Mxico

Los lderes de Estados Unidos, Mxico y Canad destinarn gran parte de su tiempo en una reunin tripartita a realizarse el mircoles en Toluca, Mxico, a identificar mecanismos para aumentar el intercambio comercial, facilitar el trnsito de pasajeros y otras medidas que mejoren la competitividad regional, se inform el viernes. Uno de los aspectos donde

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Horses teach students to be leaders

Not far from the Coachella Valley, an online charter school uses a unique method to teach its students leadership skills. Juan Bautista de Anza Online Charter school offers grades three through twelve and serves Riverside, San Diego, Imperial and Orange counties. The school also offers a special Horse Wisdom class, which helps students build leadership

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