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Month: February 2018

School district sends ‘Talking to Children About Violence’ release after Florida shooting

This morning, Sandra Lyon Ed. D., the Superintendent of the Palm Springs Unified School District (PSUSD), has released a statement with attached resources to help address district-wide concerns following the Parkland, Florida high school shooting that left 17 dead on Feb. 14. The statement was also signed by the PSUSD Board of Education President James

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Balacera deja un muerto y un herido

La policía despliega operativos tratando de identificar a un hombre sospechosos de protagonizar una balacera que dejó un hombre muerto y una mujer herida. Según Dale Mondary, jefe de policía de Desert Hot Springs uniformados respondieron a los informes de un tiroteo en la cuadra 12000 de Avenida Alta Loma en Desert Hot Springs. Cuando

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A love story for the ages

“I never thought I’d be sleeping with an 85-year-old woman,” Joe Dion joked. Joe and Jean Dion still crack each other up almost 65 years later. “Just his jokes that I’ve heard 10,000 times,” Jean said. “And she laughs every time!” Joe added. Their story goes far back. “In high school. We knew each other,

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