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Month: February 2019

Michael Cohen asegur que Trump es “racista”, “estafador” y “mentiroso”.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Descartando críticas de legisladores republicanos, el exabogado personal del presidente Donald Trump declaró bajo juramento el miercoles que este supo antes de tiempo y festejó la noticia de que WikiLeaks tenía emails perjudiciales para la campaña presidencial de Hillary Clinton. Además aseguró que Trump es “racista”, “estafador” y “mentiroso”. Convocado a declarar

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Previously-deported sex offender arrested by Border Patrol

El Centro Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a previously-deported convicted sex offender Tuesday morning. At 8:45 a.m., agents conducted an immigration inspection a passenger bus at the Highway 86 checkpoint near Salton City. During the search, agents found that 34-year-old Humberto Ortiz-Marmalejo presented a false I-551 visa during the inspection. Ortiz-Marmalejo was then removed from

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