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Month: February 2021

Medicamentos para la artritis pueden ayudar a los pacientes con covid-19 críticamente enfermos, sugiere un estudio

(CNN) — Medicamentos que se usan típicamente para tratar la artritis reumatoide pueden ayudar a los pacientes con covid-19 críticamente enfermos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos, encontró un nuevo estudio. Pero los expertos advierten que se necesita más investigación antes de que los médicos comiencen a usar los medicamentos de manera más amplia, porque

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Consumir gran cantidad de noticias negativas puede robarte horas de tu tiempo: así es como puedes recuperarlas

(CNN) — ¿Estás desplazándote sin pensar en tu teléfono después de un largo día de trabajo, examinando kilómetros de publicaciones negativas? Eso es lo que se conoce como «Doomscrolling». En lo que parecen minutos, han pasado horas. Consumir gran cantidad de noticias negativas se ha convertido en una palabra popular durante el año pasado para describir

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6 takeaways from the Trump-dominated CPAC

Former President Donald Trump turned the Conservative Political Action Conference into his first post-presidential rally Sunday evening, pledging in a speech riddled with falsehoods to purge his enemies from the Republican Party and hinting repeatedly at another run for the White House in 2024. But before Trump closed out the annual conservative gathering, held in

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The 78th Golden Globes address controversy, amid a glitchy telecast where streaming reigns supreme

The 78th Golden Globe Awards underwent a rocky evening technically while fleetingly seeking to address the controversy rocking the organization behind the ceremony, in a pandemic-dictated format that saw streaming dominate the movie awards and an emotional posthumous win by actor Chadwick Boseman. “Nomadland,” the understated tale acquired by Hulu, was named best drama, while

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Myanmar security forces open fire on peaceful protesters in deadliest day since coup

Images showed bodies lying in pools of blood on the streets, the injured frantically carried away with bullet wounds peppering their limbs, and protesters huddled behind makeshift shields and barricades, as Myanmar’s security forces Sunday launched their most violent and deadly crackdown on peaceful demonstrators since the February 1 coup. At least 18 people died

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Indians are telling their 18 million-strong diaspora to keep out of their affairs

When American author Meena Harris tweeted criticism of the Indian state’s clampdown on farmers protesting agricultural reforms, nationalist counter-protesters responded by burning her portrait. Hundreds of Indians barraged her with abuse on Twitter, telling her to stay out of their country’s affairs. Harris — who is the niece of US Vice President Kamala Harris and

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