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Month: April 2021

ANÁLISIS | EE.UU. necesita con urgencia construir credibilidad en la lucha contra el cambio climático

(CNN) — Tanto Xi Jinping como Vladimir Putin participaron este jueves en la gran cumbre climática del presidente Joe Biden, a pesar de las desaveniencias diplomáticas e incluso personales que existen entre los líderes de Estados Unidos, China y Rusia. El objetivo de la cumbre es lograr compromisos serios para la reducción de las emisiones

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Drilling rig falls into river

Click here for updates on this story     PETERBOROUGH, New Hampshire (WMUR) — A drilling rig tipped over at a construction site in Peterborough on Thursday morning and fell into the Contoocook River. The massive rig was stuck on its side as it slid down the river embankment. It was being used in construction work on

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Australian government tears up Victoria’s Belt and Road agreement with China, angering Beijing

The Australian government has canceled a Belt and Road agreement signed by China and the state government of Victoria, escalating trade and diplomatic tensions between Beijing and Canberra. Victoria — the country’s second largest and wealthiest state — signed a memorandum of understanding on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with the Chinese government in

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