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Month: July 2021

The week in 12 headlines

By Sonnet Swire, CNN This week, Senate Republicans blocked a key vote to start debate on a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill long sought by President Joe Biden, leaving his political agenda potentially on the brink. Meanwhile, the White House toughened its tone regarding Covid-19 as the Delta variant continued to spread and some cities reassessed

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Software company’s unveiling of decryption key comes too late for many victims of devastating ransomware attack

By Brian Fung, Natasha Bertrand and Alex Marquardt, CNN On Thursday, the software company Kaseya announced that it could help unlock any of its customers’ systems that were still inaccessible following a devastating ransomware attack early this month that took down as many as 1,500 businesses worldwide. But for many victims it was too little,

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OPINIÓN | Los 50 son los nuevos 30: cada día es más cierto

CNNEE Nota del editor: Mari Rodríguez Ichaso ha sido colaboradora de la revista Vanidades durante varias décadas. Es especialista en moda, viajes, gastronomía, arte, arquitectura y entretenimiento, productora de cine y columnista de estilo de CNN en Español. Las opiniones expresadas en esta columna son exclusivamente suyas. Lee más artículos de opinión en (CNN

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