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Month: September 2022

First on CNN: European security officials observed Russian Navy ships in vicinity of Nord Stream pipeline leaks

CNN By Katie Bo Lillis, Natasha Bertrand and Kylie Atwood, CNN European security officials on Monday and Tuesday observed Russian Navy support ships in the vicinity of leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines likely caused by underwater explosions, according two Western intelligence officials and one other source familiar with the matter. It’s unclear whether the

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‘We fought for this right, dammit’: Pennsylvania women motivated by abortion rights rally behind Fetterman

By Dan Merica, CNN Pink “Fetter-woman” shirts and gray hair dotted the line that snaked around the block outside John Fetterman’s first rally here in Philadelphia since his stroke in May. Spurred to action by the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in June, these women — especially those who fought for the

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