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Month: August 2024

A Georgia Democrat seeks to unseat an indicted Trump elector who says he only did what he was told

Associated Press DULUTH, Ga. (AP) — A suburban Atlanta senate race is receiving national attention and money as a young Georgia Democrat charges his opponent with election denial and extremism. Shawn Still was indicted alongside Donald Trump in Fulton County for attempting to meddle with the 2020 election results. Prosecutors call Still and 16 Republicans

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Women behind bars are often survivors of abuse. A series of new laws aim to reduce their sentences

Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) — Advocates for domestic violence survivors in Illinois celebrated earlier this month when Gov. JB Pritzker signed a bill into law making it easier for those who are incarcerated to get reduced sentences. Bill sponsor Rep. Kelly Cassidy was among those cheering. She has written legislation designed to help survivors of

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They vanished for weeks. Now Russia says it detained two Colombian men on suspicion of fighting for Ukraine

By Tara John, Stefano Pozzebon, Mariya Knight and Maija-Liisa Ehlinger, CNN (CNN) — Russian authorities say they have detained two Colombian men suspected of fighting for the Ukrainian military – a shocking twist in the weeks-long case of their disappearance since mid-July. The last time Cielo Imbachí heard from her husband was more than 40

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Trump team will seek dismissal of federal election subversion case as each side mulls the next steps

Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyers for Donald Trump intend to urge a judge to dismiss the federal election subversion case against the former president after a Supreme Court opinion that narrowed the scope of the landmark prosecution. That’s according to a court filing late Friday. The defense team foreshadowed a series of likely challenges

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Fuerzas de EE.UU. y de seguridad iraquíes matan a 15 agentes de ISIS en una redada en Iraq, según el ejército estadounidense

Andrea Saint Martin (CNN) — Fuerzas de EE.UU. y de seguridad iraquíes mataron a más de una decena de agentes de ISIS en una redada en la madrugada del jueves en el oeste de Iraq, informó el ejército estadounidense. Los 15 agentes de ISIS que murieron estaban “armados con numerosas armas, granadas y cinturones explosivos

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El cohete Falcon 9 de SpaceX tiene autorización para volar nuevamente con dos misiones de alto perfil por delante

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN) — El cohete más prolífico del mundo, el SpaceX Falcon 9, recibió autorización para volar nuevamente, anunciaron los reguladores federales este viernes por la noche, poniendo al vehículo de nuevo en camino para dos misiones espaciales de alto perfil. La Administración Federal de Aviación de Estados Unidos (FAA, por sus siglas

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