Agua Caliente casinos donates truck full of gifts to ‘Shelter from the Storm’ families
The holidays got a little brighter for families at "Shelter from the Storm."
The Agua Caliente casinos delivered a truck full of toys and other gifts as a part of their Angel Tree Toy Drop today.
The casino says that they have been partners with shelter from the storm for more than 15 years.
"We have our HR elves that simulate Christmas trees up at all free casinos. And then we hang the angel tags, which are the wishes for family. And then we have people come and pick them up, sign them out, go do their shopping, and then bring them back unwrapped. So the magic elves of the shelter from the storm can take over where agua left off,"
In total, Agua Caliente said that they helped more than 300 people. You can see that donations included gifts for all ages, from house hold supplies, to trikes, and stuffed toys.