Indio Mobile Home Rent To Rise
Indio’s Mobile Home Fair Practices Commission voted to increase rent at the Bermuda Palms Mobile Home park by nearly $50. The park’s owner, who expressed frustration at the decision, wanted rent upped from $330 a month to $600 a month. Resident’s like Pat Waters are pleasantly surprised by the decision.
“It was equitable. It was better for us then it was for the person who owns the park,” says Waters.
The commission also ruled resident’s must pay back-rent to the tune of $1,500, $50 a month for the 33 months since park owners requested the increase in late 2006. The back-rent might be too much for some of the low income residents to bear.
“We’ve always looked after for our own in this park and we will work with them and we’ll see what we can do to make it easier for these people that have got restricted incomes,” says Bermuda Palms resident Pat Emery.
“They’ll just have to get help from friends or a grant, God only knows.”
Residents are also dealing with serious tap water troubles. Water at the mobile home park tested positive for e-coli three weeks ago. Some have gotten sick. People have relied on bottled water provided by park management, on and off since then. Resident’s patience is running low.
“If they don’t take the steps to fix this then it’ll be a different story,” says Emery. “That’s when we’ll become very upset but right now we’ve given them the break we know they’re trying to fix it and we’ll work with them as far as I can.”
The Mobile Home Fair Practices Commission will meet again to determine just how the back-rent will be handled.